2020… The problem is not how to start, but where to finish when attempting to sum-up this past year! If I were to merely mention specific topics, such as: Kobe Bryant, Brexit, Wuhan, China, Covid-19, George Floyd and some “important” election held in America last month, that might be all I need to say...
Yet, as we know all too well, emotions, relationships and lives have been impacted in a variety of unforeseen, unexpected and in many cases, unfortunate ways. It was 1918 - 1919 when the world last battled a deadly pandemic. We are now closing in on one full year of the Covid-19 pandemic and with all we have faced over this time, perhaps it’s not much of a surprise that the Spanish Flu would ultimately give way to the historically exuberant Roaring 20’s! I can’t help but wonder if our 21st century version of the twenties will mirror the degree of social and cultural dynamism that sprung-up one hundred years ago. Is it just me, or do you too find yourself frequently fantasizing about the return to being WITH PEOPLE? Large groups of PEOPLE?!
Not a single corner of the global economy has gone untouched by the effects of the pandemic. With specific regard to the global mobility industry, all constituents have battled the relentless onslaught of challenges brought to us by Covid-19. I am unspeakably proud of how Bristol has courageously and creatively adjusted throughout the year, while keeping you, our valued client-partner, at the very top of our priority list. Indeed, we are about to conclude 2020 with a remarkable performance relative to our service delivery scores. Globally, Bristol is on pace to register a 99% satisfaction performance! A lofty achievement in any year…but this year? I simply couldn’t be more proud of the way in which the Bristol team around the world rallied to our collective cause – to Connect with, versus Control people!
When I take time to account for all that has transpired, the word “resilient” consistently surfaces and I am reminded of a Helen Keller quote: “Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of overcoming.” Throughout the world, throughout Global Mobility and throughout Bristol, we have certainly witnessed an immense degree of overcoming, while forming a stronger and more resilient foundation.
On behalf of one of the most committed, courageous and creative workforces anywhere to be found, I would like to extend to you a very heartfelt and sincere expression of our gratitude for providing Bristol with the honor to serve you and your relocating employees. With great confidence our Bristol family looks forward to a post-pandemic world, resolute in our passion for serving others and partnering with you to create success in the years ahead!
We wish you a healthy and joyous holiday season and a most safe and prosperous 2021!